Autori: Carnicella S*



Can the CHOP-INTEND be used as An Outcome Measure in the First Months of Age? Implications for Clinical Trials and Real World Data

Early treatment of type II SMA slows rate of progression of scoliosis

Long term follow-up of scoliosis progression in type II SMA patients

Oral and Swallowing Abilities Tool (OrSAT) in nusinersen treated patients

Age related treatment effect in type II Spinal Muscular Atrophy pediatric patients treated with nusinersen

Early Gross Motor Milestones in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Oral and Swallowing Abilities Tool (OrSAT) for Type 1 SMA Patients: Development of a New Module

Clinical Variability in Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type III

Ultrasound assessment of diaphragmatic function in type 1 spinal muscular atrophy

Long-term progression in type II spinal muscular atrophy: A retrospective observational study

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