Autori: Cioni G



The wide world of technological telerehabilitation for pediatric neurologic and neurodevelopmental disorders – a systematic review

A pilot study on early home-based intervention through an intelligent baby gym (CareToy) in preterm infants.

Effectiveness of the home-based training program Tele-UPCAT (Tele-monitored UPper Limb Children Action Observation Training) in unilateral cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial

Insights on action observation and imitation abilities in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder and typically developing children

Wearable accelerometers for measuring and monitoring the motor behaviour of infants with brain damage during CareToy-Revised training

Parental Practices and Environmental Differences among Infants Living in Upper-Middle and High-Income Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study

New Technological Approach for the Evaluation of Postural Control Abilities in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

Application of Virtual Reality Rehabilitation System for the assessment of postural control while standing in typical children and peers with neurodevelopmental disorders

Tele-Rehabilitation for Postural Control by Means of Virtual Reality Rehabilitation System in an Adolescent With Motor Disorder: A Case Study

Feasibility of Early Intervention Through Home-Based and Parent-Delivered Infant Massage in Infants at High Risk for Cerebral Palsy

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