Raggruppamento Primario: Disturbi del Neurosviluppo



Mind-mindedness and styles of interaction of young fathers with their infants at three months: a pilot study

A pilot study on early home-based intervention through an intelligent baby gym (CareToy) in preterm infants.

ÿHaptic and visuo-haptic impairments for object recognition in children with autism spectrum disorder: focus on the sensory and multisensory processing dysfunctions

Relationship and New Prospectives in Joint Hypermobility in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Preliminary Data

Neuro-Psychomotor intervention in children with neurodevelopmental disorders: An exploratory study by using parent-report tools

Maternal Concerns in Home Care for the Premature Newborn: An Integrative Review

Quantitative assessment of tip-toe behavior in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability: A cross-sectional study

Virtual reality rehabilitation program on executive functions of children with specific learning disorders: a pilot study

Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory (BAMBI): Italian Translation and Validation

The Efficacy of the Global Intensive Feeding Therapy on Feeding and Swallowing Abilities in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study

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